WS Development trials Peyk delivery robot
Boston, MA WS Development welcomed UK-based Peyk to complete its U.S.-first commercial trial of delivery robots in the Seaport. The project is a critical step in revolutionizing the delivery sector around the globe.
For the trial, Peyk partnered with various Seaport retail outlets to provide short-distance deliveries within a five-mile radius. Over one month, PeykBot performed numerous deliveries, transporting goods between 150 shops and 15 buildings.
PeykBot was developed in 2023 to provide autonomy in last-mile deliveries. It uses a combination of artificial intelligence and high-tech sensors to detect authorized driving routes and is ready for use in any location thanks to its utilization of waypoint driving.
Other innovative features include: step climbing ability; obstacle detection; all-weather honeycomb wheels; industry graded night lighting and indicators; as well as the ability to customize the compartment features and sizes.
Alongside the innovative robots, a web-enabled platform allows any PeykBot operator to identify and track the status of their robot during a delivery and remotely control each unit in case of emergency.
Salman Moghimi, founder and CEO of Peyk, said “It is definitely exciting to enter the US market by trialling our robots in a very modern and sustainable district within Boston. Robots are the future and a location like Seaport is a prime example of where they should operate.”