SALMON Health and Retirement chief future officer joins MassDev. board
Boston, MA SALMON Health and Retirement’s chief future officer and third-generation owner, Andrew Salmon, has been appointed to the board of directors of MassDevelopment. MassDevelopment, the state’s development finance agency and land bank, works with businesses, nonprofits, and banks to stimulate economic growth. Through these collaborations MassDevelopment strives to create jobs, increase the number of housing units, revitalize urban environments, and address factors limiting economic growth.
Andrew Salmon joined SALMON Health and Retirement in 2006 as an executive director. Currently, Salmon works to link SALMON to the business community and implement the organization’s continuum based vision of care, which now has more than 2,500 customers daily in 58 of the Commonwealth’s towns and cities. He created and managed the organizations centralized referral center, skilled nursing admissions, and continuum transfers while maintaining relationships with Accountable Care Organizations, hospitals, insurance companies, and politicians.
“I am honored and humbled to be appointed to the board of directors of MassDevelopment as chief future officer,” said Salmon. “I am excited to work with the board of directors to continue to serve the communities of Massachusetts, stimulate business, and drive economic growth.”
During FY2022, MassDevelopment financed or managed 356 projects generating investment of more than $1.69 billion in the Massachusetts economy. These projects are estimated to create or support 11,080 jobs and build or preserve 1,778 housing units.
“MassDevelopment and the communities we serve will benefit from Andrew Salmon’s appointment to our Board of Directors,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Dan Rivera. “Salmon’s extensive experience in the senior living industry will be invaluable in shaping and advancing the agency’s mission to stimulate economic growth in Massachusetts, and particularly our work supporting the creation and preservation of housing for a range of ages, income levels, and abilities.”