Celebrating 60 years of the New England Real Estate Journal

On behalf of the entire Journal team, we would like to thank you, our loyal subscribers, advertisers and editorial contributors for your support over the last 60 years! Without you, we would not be here today and can’t express our gratitude enough. You have enabled us to transform and grow from a small weekly periodical, into a full service media company. We have achieved so much and can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings.
Our founder Roland (Rolly) Hopkins took great pride in being from New England and working with local companies, both big and small. He stressed the importance of making sure the client is always our top priority and employees were treated like family. We continue with this philosophy today and will always keep his message at the forefront. Before retiring, Rolly wrote his thoughts about the Journal and how it all came together and we feel it is best to leave in his words since he was it’s heart and soul. When you have a minute, you can read it here.
From our founder to our present team, we are a family in every sense of the word. A very special thank you to our Journal staff for all of your hard work, dedication and positive spirit. We also want to take this time and acknowledge that since publishing our 55th anniversary edition, we have lost one of the all-time Journal greats, Ben Summers. Ben came on board in 1965 and worked as our editor and chief for over 50 years. This special 60th issue is in memory of Ben who will be missed and always in our hearts.
As we celebrate 60, we remain committed to our core mission that has never changed: to INFORM, ENGAGE and CONNECT the CRE industry with the latest CRE news and information. It’s an exciting time to be in the media industry and whether it’s digital distribution, social media, webinars or live events, we will continue to explore all the best ways to promote your business. Thank you for being part of our 60 years and our future.
John Picard, Dave Sullivan and Dave Denelle.