New RI officers elected, new members, new events planned
October 15, 2008 - Spotlights
The Rhode Island chapter continues to grow - our newest members being Cathleen Harrington and Jordon Hevenor. We now stand at 92 members, 50 members more than we had in 2003; and of this total, 30 are designated members.
Since February, the chapter has sponsored such educational offerings as business practices & ethics, evaluating residential construction, evaluating commercial construction, REO appraisal, and appraising in declining markets (most appropriate topics for our New England market). The chapter also presented two, 2 hour seminars on green buildings and reverse mortgage appraising; a 3 hour associated guidance seminar; and participated with the Mass. chapter in its October 8th presentation featuring Peter Korpacz.
Our next scheduled offering is the 7 hour USPAP update which will be presented in Warwick, on November 7th. Special thanks are given to our vice-president of education - Gerald Roch, SRA; our vice president of membership admissions, development, & retention - Edward Stachurski, SRA; and our program committee chairman, Erin Angel of The Washington Trust Co.
Our chapter treasurer, Evelyn. Spagnolo (the tax assessor for the town of Bristol), represented Rhode Island at the national Chicago meetings in August. Via this participation, Evelyn brought forth to the chapter board of directors an idea for possible affiliation with the University of Rhode Island in fostering a real estate appraisal program that would utilize Appraisal Institute approved instructors and education materials in potentially bringing forth more qualified candidates into the future ranks of professional appraisers. Notably, the average age of the designated MAI member approximates 55 years!
The chapter also held elections for incoming (2009) officers and directors.
President - Ann Hollands, MAI
Vice President-Education - William Mc Govern, SRA
Vice President - Administration and Assistant Vice President Education - Frank Cofone
Vice President - Membership Admissions - Edward Stachurski, SRA
Vice President - Finance - Evelyn Spagnolo
Director - Thomas Andolfo, MAI, SRA (ex-officio)
Director - Jaime Moore
Director - Gerald Roch, SRA
Incumbent Directors, Mary Coyle, Paul Cunningham, SRA, Erin Angel, Jacalyn Haggarty and Bradford Hevenor.
Our able nominating committee was chaired by William Coyle, III, MAI, SRA and members were Ted Osteroff, James Roch, Adam Andolfo, and Keith White Jr., SRPA, SRA.
Since the election, however, William Mc Govern had to resign due to personal commitments and graciously agreeing to serve as 2009 education chair is Keith White Jr., SRPA, SRA. Keith is a past president of the chapter, as well as a past education chair. We look forward to his capable leadership once again. Keith was unanimously elected by a general membership meeting that took place at the Valley Country Club on September 30th, the day of the chapter's annual golfing tournament and membership dinner.
Again we had a very enjoyable golf outing and dinner that was coordinated by Evelyn Spagnolo and Valley Country Club member Jerry Roch. A money hole, tee sign sponsors, and raffle allowed for the chapter to raise money for a charitable donation - the recipient to be decided by the board of directors at its scheduled November 12th meeting. Members who sponsored tee signs were: Coyle & Associates; Scotti & Associates; White Appraisal; Edwards Appraisal; Roch Appraisal; Northeast Appraisal, and Andolfo Appraisal. The money hole and the selling of the raffle tickets were handled by Erin Angel and Frank Cofone. First prize went to Roch Appraisal foursome.
The Region IV (New England and New York) Appraisal Institute meeting will be held in Riverhead, Long Island on October 24-25. This semi-annual meeting will be attended by the following chapter members: in-coming president Ann Hollands, MAI; incoming education chair, Keith White Jr., SRPA, SRA; and Region IV public relations chair, Thomas Andolfo, MAI, SRA. The spring 2008 regional meeting was held in Newport.
Thomas Andolfo, MAI, SRA is the 2008 president of the Rhode Island Appraisal Institute, Providence.