Fall Resources Catalog Available Online
October 15, 2008 - Spotlights
In addition to the annual print version, the Appraisal Institute's 2008 Fall Resources Catalog is available online in an easy-to-use, interactive version. Resources contains all of the Appraisal Institute's publications, classroom education, and online education programs offered this fall.
Yoon Hernandez, Appraisal Institute Online Marketing Manager, said the interactive version offers ultimate convenience to readers everywhere since they can virtually "flip through" the catalog wherever they have Internet access and can conduct quick keyword searches to find exact Appraisal Institute offerings they're looking for. "Since the digital catalog is fully interactive, you can also buy an AI book or register for an AI course as you're browsing," Hernandez said.
Resources is issued semi-annually and sent via mail to all AI members.
The online version is available to members and non-members, at www.appraisalinstitute-digital.com/resourcescatalog/2008fall/.
The next Resources will be released in spring of 2009.