2023 Women in Construction: Karine Turcotte, The Norfolk Companies

Estimating Manager
The Norfolk Multifamily
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? I have been a multifamily estimator for 18 years. My greatest professional achievement was building up the estimating department at The Norfolk Companies. When I was hired in 2015, I was the only in-house estimator, and I was alone for a little over two years. During those two years, I worked long hours due to the workload, I gained experience, and I learned a lot from my coworkers and manager. The estimating department now consists of four estimators including myself. We are a great team, and I’m very proud of what I have accomplished with the help of my management team.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice to other women who are considering entering the construction industry would be: Be confident in yourself, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and don’t assume that other people know more than you do. No matter our age, we all have different work and personal experiences. You may know things other people don’t know, even though they have more experience than you.
What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? I became interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry because I was around construction my whole life. My parents own a construction company, and my mom has worked on jobsites and has done accounting for the company ever since my siblings and I were old enough to remember. My first job was installing vinyl siding. I knew at an early age that I wanted to be in the same field. I chose to study Interior Design. I loved designing and creating spaces but there weren’t many opportunities in that field where I was living at the time. My degree in Interior Design led me to the cabinet industry. I knew from the start that I would not want to do anything else.