2023 Women in Construction: Deborah Danik, Nitsch Engineering

VP, Director of Civil Engineering
Nitsch Engineering
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? We’re currently in the final phase of construction for the Boston Housing Authority’s Orient Heights redevelopment project in East Boston, which is replacing 331 affordable housing units. The master planning of the development to support 13 new buildings, two new parks, and the reconstruction of three public roadways began in 2015 and has continued through three phases of detailed design, permitting, and construction. Phases 1 and 2 of the buildings are already occupied, and the residents that had to relocate during the Phase 3 construction get to move back into their brand-new homes this spring!
How are you involved in community organizations and/or charities? I am the co-chair of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts (ACEC/MA) awards committee where we plan, coordinate, and execute the judging process and celebration of achievements in the engineering community. This includes awards given to constructed engineering projects, young engineers, and student scholarship winners. I also help with Nitsch’s internal community support initiatives including our partnership with the United Way BoSTEM initiative, Nitsch’s annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day event, and our charity team Nitsch Cares.