CoreNet Global NE president’s message: Awards of Excellence
Each year, the New England Chapter of CoreNet Global celebrates outstanding achievements in the corporate real estate industry through our Annual Awards of Excellence. I want to thank all those who took the time to nominate a deserving candidate or project - I’m told that the panel of judges had an incredibly difficult decision to make - and I’d like to celebrate the leadership and workplace award winners. If you haven’t yet read the news right here in the New England Real Estate Journal, our official media partner of the CoreNet Global New England Awards of Excellence, please learn more about our chapter’s award recipients here! April 27th, 2023 will be the date of our Awards of Excellence Gala at the Westin Boston Seaport District where we’ll celebrate our award winners as well as send off the Young Leader Professional Development class of 2022 with an honorary graduation ceremony.
Our chapter continues to amaze me when it comes to the commitment to generating thoughtful conversations within our industry with some of the best minds in the region and across the country. If you missed our Equitable Leadership event with Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler last month or the event with ArtLifting on How to Achieve DEI Goals through Art, you’ll have another opportunity on February 15, from 12:00-1:00PM to learn the best tools to implement in your DE&I strategy and benchmarks for what success looks like in this focus area. Learn more and register on our website.
The Commercial Real Estate Success Training (CREST) partnership has garnered more than a dozen applications for corporate real estate firms to hire a summer intern. More than five of these firms are CoreNet Global New England members! We are proud to provide four of these firms with a subsidy for their selected interns. Stay tuned for more details on which deserving college students will be paired with companies from our New England chapter! Not only will they receive paid job placements for 10 weeks, but will also benefit from personal and professional skills development and unmatched networking opportunities to kickstart their careers. Additionally, we look forward to sharing later this spring updates on our CREST mentorship program, matching historically underrepresented students with mentors from some of the top corporate real estate leaders in the region.
All the work we’ve accomplished over the past year will be presented at our Annual Meeting on March 22, at The Foundation. We look forward to seeing you there as we look ahead to another year of collaboration, connections, fostering career development, and innovation in the corporate real estate industry.
If you’re a member of CoreNet Global, you have probably heard about the annual Eastern Regional Symposium (ERS). A members only event with a 50/50 split of service providers and end users of up to 400 attendees, this event brings together chapters in the Eastern region to focus on the topics of the present moment in our industry. This year’s event will focus on global interdependency, exploring the challenges and opportunities for nations, companies and corporate real estate leaders. From June 5-6, at the GW University in Washington, D.C., CoreNet members will get to experience exceptional education programs with speakers and panelists who are leaders in their field, plus tours of leading edge corporate and commercial real estate projects. More details can be found on the ERS website.
One of the most valued benefits of getting involved with CoreNet Global is the access to high quality networking opportunities. The New England Chapter’s Real Advantage dinners, where select sponsors can connect with industry end users in an intimate dinner setting, are a great way to develop business connections and be part of impactful conversations led by industry thought leaders. Now is the time to consider sponsorship, renew your membership or join our amazing CoreNet Global New England Chapter! I invite you to check out our sponsorship and member benefits page to discover all the value CoreNet Global New England can offer, including some of the most authentic and exciting networking opportunities, discounts to summits and professional development programs, and so much more. For any membership or sponsorship-related questions, please reach out to Karyn Houde, our executive director.
Maureen Rystrom is the president/chair of CoreNet Global New England Chapter and vice president of marketing | partner at J. Calnan & Associates.