2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Laura Kaplan, Sherin and Lodgen LLP

Partner, Real Estate Department
Sherin and Lodgen LLP
What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Find a mentor who has made a career like the one you think you want. I have been fortunate to have mentors who helped me make connections in this relationship-driven industry and coached me through career transitions. CRE is a cyclical business and, early in my career, it was informative to learn how mentors had navigated the ups and downs of the market and associated challenges.
Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? Liz Lintz, now the general counsel of WS Development, is a leader who is an extraordinary lawyer and person. She is a strong advocate for her clients, but knows how to get deals done. She actively volunteers for community causes. When we were colleagues many years ago, I watched her extreme goodness as a person radiate outward to create an environment that people want to be in. She’s one of the most exceptional people I have ever come across.
What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months? We appear to be in a period of recalibration, with some in the industry hitting pause to assess market conditions. There is an increased cost of doing business given higher interest rates, supply chain disruptions and inflation. I think we’ll have a period of volatility in the coming months