Triglione of Nordlund Associates sells 202 High St., Ipswich, MA
Ipswich, MA According to Nordlund Associates, Anthony Triglione facilitated a transaction representing the property owner in the sale of 202 High St. Triglione also procured the buyer, W.T. LeRoyer, in this sale of the former Paul’s Towing and Automotive facility.
Triglione said, “This property received a high degree of market interest prior to coming to market and an above-market offer was presented by the buyer to secure the property knowing that the supply of this size and type property was extremely low and it was a strategic fit for the growing landscape construction contractor.”
202 High St. featured a 3,400 s/f mixed-use (industrial/commercial and residential apartment above) building on 1.8 acres with frontage on Rte. 133/1A.