NH CIBOR president’s message: Two challenges for this month - by Scott Forte

NH CIBOR membership is strong. Month to month we have seen increases in Realtor membership around 5% per month and 10% per month for affiliate members. This month, I challenge each of you to two things:
1) Ask a vendor you use: are they a member of NH CIBOR. If they are not, invite them to one of our three marketing meetings located in Portsmouth, N.H. - Bedford, N.H. and Andover, Mass. As many of you know, these meetings offer an unmatched monthly opportunity to connect with other brokers and industry partners. If you are a member and have not been recently, come! This is one of the great values of the organization. Anyone can visit; invite someone. Together as an industry we are strong.
2) Make a three minute phone call once a year. NH CIBOR’s Public Policy committee is working with the NHAR Public Policy committee and the Real Estate Commission on some upcoming legislation that will impact the real estate market. In the coming weeks, and months, you will see emails from them asking you to review what is going on and reach out to our elected officials. In some emails you will have a simple Call-To-Action allowing you, with one click, to email your elected officials. The work these unpaid volunteers do is immensely important to the real estate market; which in New Hampshire is one of the primary economic drivers. Please take the 60 seconds it takes to review the information they have gathered and analyzed for us.
You may not think your voice matters, but I can assure you that I have interviewed elected officials all over New Hampshire and the country and your email matters; your voice matters. Not many people take the time to make a three minute phone call; truly a sad amount actually take the time to call. Take that three minutes away from Facebook and allocate it to making a phone call to your elected officials. Those three minutes will have a profound impact on the real estate industry, the market, it’s service providers, and the New Hampshire economy as a whole. Phone calls matter. Most of us are sales people who are on the phone all day anyway. Let’s try to make just ONE of those calls each year to our elected officials. Yes - one phone call, from our 500+ members, each year will have an enormous impact.
For the latest list of events visit: https://www.nhcibor.com/events/
Connect with us, your peers, and industry partners on social media:
• Linkedin networking: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8826285/
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/new-england-commercial-property-exchange/
• My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottforte/
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/New-England-Commercial-Property-Exchange-345860156430/
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/NECPE2
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newenglandcpe/
Scott Forte is the 2022 president of the NH Commercial Investment Board of Realtors, Bedford and is a commercial Realtor with Century 21 North East, Salem, N.H.