Good Chemistry opens new retail store in Lynn after renovations by Comeau & Kelly Construction Inc.
Lynn, MA Comeau & Kelly Construction Inc. has completed a retail store for Good Chemistry.
In Lynn, Good Chemistry leased a building that from a structural and architectural point of view should have been demolished. However, due to the existing zoning codes they would not be able to rebuild so therefore a major undertaking was done to repair the structural elements of this wood framed structure. The wood floor framing and wood framed roof systems had to be shored up and, in some areas, completely rebuilt to accommodate the needs of the structure, HVAC systems and the final design from Good Chemistry.
The millwork package consisted of 50-foot-long radius sections of cabinets with clear maple veneer and white Corian countertops. The point of sales locations are encased in clear glass. The product under the glass is enhanced with backlit milk glass. Actual size field mockups were built to get to the final design.
Clear finish maple flooring was used throughout. Black aluminum window frames, with lambs’ tongue bars and muntins, make up the exterior windows. Matching interior doors were used to deliver an industrial effect to the space.
On the mechanical side, a new rooftop unit was added, exhaust ventilation with filters to prevent odors from escaping into the neighborhood, new ductwork throughout and two new bathrooms were added.
The successful harvest from the Holliston Facility has allowed the Lynn retail store to open its doors to the public.
Project Team in Lynn include:
• Comeau & Kelly Construction Inc. – General Contractor;
• Brett Miiller Design Works - Architect;
• Mass Cabinet Inc - Millwork;
• Breen & Sullivan – HVAC & Plumbing; and
• AS Jones & Co., Inc. – Electrical.