CCIM leadership from around the country gather in Chicago
September 25, 2008 - Front Section
In August leadership from around the country gathered in Chicago to discuss the Institute and get educated on the exiting opportunities offered through CCIM. New England Chapter vice president Sandy Brown of Cale Commercial Realty Group describes the excitement: "The 2009 CCIM Institute Chapter Officer Training at the Chicago O'Hare Marriot began on Sunday, August 24th with a regional roundtable attended by 2008 CCIM Institute president Tim Hatlestad and 2008 president- elect Charles Mac McClure. In addition regions 10 and 11 RVPs and 1st VPs were in attendance as well as the 2008-2010 presidential liaison. Topics of discussion were centered on feedback about the Institute's Strategic Plan and sharing ideas for making your chapter successful from the operation/administration through to the delivery of the education and products."
The first day of the program consisted of national round table programs using the discussions from the region's programs the night before. Additionally, there were many breakout sessions involving the benefits of being a CCIM. Such as, technology (i.e., STDB, CCIM Next) education and networking.
Day two had more in depth sessions for STDB online which highlighted many of the improvements due in the October update of the program. Also discussed, STDBLite, a new free program offered to anyone joining local chapters, and support for all STDB programs. The new candidate guidance initiative was another topic for breakout sessions.
The third day was kicked off with a morning session presented by Peter Mosca of BAK Communications. Mosca is a nationally known communications speaker. His presentation was about Public Communication & Media Relations. We then heard from Robert Ward about his Center for Real Estate Studies and the new curriculum that is coming. The program was completed with the awards dinner, where our newest CCIM designee, Michael Sorrentino, CCIM of Lenox, Mass. was presented his pin along with over 100 other new designees from around the country and the world.
As there is so much to digest on what is taking place on the national platform we recommend that everyone take the time to come out to our annual elections dinner. This year our keynote speaker will be McClure. McClure will give us all some great insight on what changes are going to be taking place at the Institute and how those changes will impact you and your business. From CCIM Next to new course modules there is plenty going on to get excited about.
More information at Of course for any questions/comments/concerns, I am always available to talk. (603) 668 -7000. And again many congrats to Mike for obtaining his pin!
Chris Norwood is president of the N.E. CCIM chapter and director of NAI Norwood Group, Bedford, N.H.