2021 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Jillian Tara, Associate & Senior Interior Designer, Phase Zero Design

Associate & Senior Interior Designer
Phase Zero Design
What are some of the benefits of being a mentor or having a mentor? Collaboration is so important in our field. It is vital we learn continuously throughout our careers; working with others that challenge us helps keep those creative juices flowing. Mentor/mentee relationships are a two-way street—empowering both to grow and expand.
What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months? Providing flexible working spaces has been, and will continue to be, a huge trend due to the pandemic. This will continue to evolve and completely change how we look at corporate interiors and the industry at large, in the present, and the future. We’ve learned that we can work in a range of environments and maintain productivity, if not improve it. Providing varied environments throughout the corporate landscape will increase collective productivity.
What time management strategies do you find to be the most effective for you? It is so important to stay organized. Whether you are focused on one project, or managing several at a time. When a solid schedule is necessary, I make lists for myself with strict timelines for completing specific deliverables. It keeps me on track and focused to achieve larger deadlines for my clients and my firm.