IREM President’s message: First in-person event
Following the guidelines of our community and state, and after gauging the interest of our members, last month we held our first in-person event in over 15 months, and I am so happy to report that it was a great success!
IREM Boston and Friends of IREM members met on June 8th at Cask ‘n Flagon for a networking event prior to the Red Sox game against the Houston Astros. Although the outcome for the home team wasn’t what we would have hoped for, the networking event was a huge win for our members!
It reminded me that, from a business perspective, we’ve been lucky to have the technological advances that allowed us all to continue keeping our businesses moving forward – phone and email and text, and now a range of video conferencing. Still, as I looked out over all the people who were able to attend, as I saw the smiles of people greeting each other as they came in and walked through the room, I was reminded that nothing really replaces the feel of an in-person event.
By being in the same place, at the same time, we obtain a better understanding of each other. We can look each other in the eye, share laughs at the same time, extend a hand. We have the opportunity to start a conversation with someone we don’t yet know, or don’t know that well, and follow up on another conversation, or thought, that might have taken place during a virtual meeting that didn’t allow for the opportunity for follow-up questions. We can share a hug with a longtime work colleague who, over the years, has now also become a friend.
There is a certain energy when you’re in a room with other people sharing ideas that unfortunately just does not translate over the phone or online. And so, I’m excited for the additional upcoming events planned for later this summer and into the fall, perfect for everyone, whether you’re slowly getting back out into public gatherings or you’ve been out and about for a while now! Our “Let’s Get Back to Business” networking event is taking place July 21st at Crossing 9s at Granite Links in Quincy. Also at Granite Links on September 13th is our Annual Golf Tournament, which will feature a golf shot-gun start, golf clinic, corn hole tournament, raffles, air cannons, hole-in-one competitions, and much more.
Additional information on both of these events can be found at
We look forward to seeing you in person soon!
Melissa Fish-Crane is the 2021 president of IREM Boston and principal & COO at the Peabody Properties.