Peter Morin, Town Administrator for the Town of Norwell
What should developers know about the process when working with your community? If you are interested in locating or expanding in Norwell, please contact my office. I will set up a pre-application meeting with the departments that will review your proposal. We will establish a timeline for the review process and identify any issues up front.
Are there any areas within your communities that you are looking to draw investment? Norwell has two office parks with easy access to Rte. 3. We also have a very active commercial corridor on Washington St. (Rte. 53) and a quaint town center on Main St. (Rte. 123). We offer an excellent commercial or workplace in a rural setting with a variety of nearby recreational options.
?Why should developers look to your town? Norwell is an affluent community 20 miles to the south of Boston, with a projected per capita buying income of 180% of the national level and per capita market level of $244,537. In its most recent review of Norwell’s municipal government, Standard & Poor’s awarded a AAA rating. They cited as factors its very strong management, budgetary flexibility and liquidity. Norwell knows the value commercial investment adds to a community and seeks to be a good business partner.