The Real Estate Finance Association celebrates Women’s History Month
Boston, MA REFA celebrated Women’s History Month with a REFA Past President’s Webinar on March 31st. 2020 REFA president Claudia Piper, Webster Bank, moderated a discussion with REFA past presidents and industry leaders who have helped shape REFA over the years. The panel consisted of 2016 president Natalie Herald, Fidelity Investments; 2010 president Marci Griffith Loeber, Griffith Properties; 2007 president Beth Mitchell, Nutter, and 1995 president Susan Leff, Susan W. Leff Associates. Attendees learned about REFA’s past, how REFA has evolved, and how REFA’s Women’s Initiative came about. The Women’s Initiative has been a top priority over the last few years – in 2016 the REFA board was comprised of 17% females, while this year’s REFA board is 43% female.
On April 6th, REFA hosted a New Member Coffee Break catered to members who have joined/rejoined REFA in the past six months or members who are looking to re-engage with REFA and the membership. Hosted by the Membership Committee, attendees had the opportunity to hear from current REFA members who shared their own experiences within REFA and helped answer any questions about how to make the most out of their membership. The group separated into virtual breakout rooms to further discussion and networking among the new members.
Another one of REFA’s top focuses is its DEI Initiative. On April 28th, REFA will continue its DEI Discussion Series with a conversation about The Color of Law: A forgotten History of how our Government Segregated America, by Richard Rothstein. REFA members are welcome to join the REFA DEI Committee as they explore diversity, equity, and inclusion through different channels of multimedia. Each session is a guided discussion based on a movie, book, article, news-clip, etc. that brings diversity to the forefront and sparks a conversation.
REFA’s next Webinar, on April 29th, is a follow-up to REFA’s most successful Webinar last year that had over 400 industry members in attendance. The Impact of COVID-19 on CRE – 1 Year Later will feature the following distinguished industry leaders: Paul Ayoub, Nutter; Leslie Cohen, Samuels & Associates; Jonathan Davis, The Davis Companies; Robin Lidington, Wells Fargo; Robert Palter, McKinsey & Company; Navjot Singh, McKinsey & Company; and John Wolfe, Bank of America. This panel will reflect on the impact the past year has made on the CRE industry.
Please Save the Date for REFA’s Annual Golf & Tennis Tournament on Monday, August 23rd at Dedham Country & Polo Club, as well as the Annual REFA Gala on Tuesday, October 26th at Westin Copley Place.
To learn?more about REFA membership and programs, please visit www.REFA.org and follow REFA on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn @REFABoston.