2021 Women in Construction: Nikki Dunham, Project Engineer, Network Design and Construction, Inc.
What are you most looking forward to post-pandemic? Hosting a large family gathering in our new home once it is completed!
Why should women consider a career in the A/E/C industry? The A/E/C industry is constantly evolving. It is not just a career for men; Women can be extremely successful in it as well. Being able to see the project from start to finish and to know I was part of the process is such a rewarding feeling.
Starting out in the A/E/C business, who or what empowered you? When I began seeking career opportunities, my drive was for a profession I enjoyed and my fiancé suggested that I consider the construction industry. The more time I spend in the industry, the more I am fascinated with it and want to learn as much as I can. My fiancé is in the industry as well and we have been able to learn from each other and push each other to be as successful as possible. He was the person who empowered me.