2020 Year in Review: Erin Cohen, Road to Responsibility
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? In terms of all of our staff, juggling the work/life balance has been a big challenge, especially while dealing with the fear that you might be heightening your chance of exposure and/or putting the individuals you serve and your family at risk. This has been acutely felt by our front-line workers.
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? Because Road to Responsibility is a residentially focused facility, most of our employees are deemed essential and don’t have the option to work from home. They have been amazing at ensuring that our residents stay safe at home, without feeling disconnected or isolated.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project,
deal, or transaction in 2020? We are very proud of how quickly Road to Responsibility was able to adapt to the virtual world – literally we were able to get completely set up within two weeks of the shutdown. We also held our first-ever virtual gala, which was a much needed success during this time of funding uncertainty (along with all the other uncertainties we’re all facing!).