2020 Year in Review: David Rubinstein, OptiRTC

President & CEO
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? The initial stages of the pandemic were challenging. We wanted to ensure our staff and customers were safe, and that we provided proactive virtual support to essential workers/customers.
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? The reduction in commute time has provided me with more time for self care and professional development. Our business has accelerated our remote capabilities, saving travel time and expenses to everyone’s benefit.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project,
deal, or transaction in 2020? We take great pride in the environmental outcomes our products provide and the economic savings we provide our customers. We helped eliminate one of two cisterns for an office park development in the Boston area. This saved over $500K for the developer, including intelligent rain water harvesting. Everyone wins!
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2021? We hope to see an acceleration in the adoption of smart building and smart water technologies. We can cure a lot of environmental ills & increase operating profits to everyone’s benefit.
What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? “Out of crisis comes opportunity”. My Vistage coach taught our chapter this saying, and we have applied it to our business. This is my ffth recession. Its important to remain resilient, keep an open mind, and seek out opportunity. I’ve had great success coming out of the last four, and I anticipate being 5 for 5 by 2022.