2020 Year in Review: Matt Leskanic, Surety Bond Professionals, Inc.

Surety Executive
Surety Bond Professionals, Inc.
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? The work-from-home process was an adjustment at first. Once I optimized my home setup with a standing desk, screens, etc. I started to enjoy working from home. Now, we have a hybrid model and I enjoy being able to go into the office at my convenience (1-2 times a week).
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? I try to go on a walk everyday at lunchtime. It breaks up the day and allows me to get some sun, fresh air, and activity.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project,
deal, or transaction in 2020? While we work on mostly construction bonds, a particularly notable deal was for a large lost instrument bond (replacement of stock/security) in the Caymans. Due to logistics on the client side, the overall process took about 2 years(!) but the bond was finally wrapped up a month or two ago, which was exciting.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2021? It’s hard to bet against the idea that more work from home = less demand for new office space, fewer office renovations, etc. Although many contractors that we work with seem to have relatively healthy backlogs headed into the new year. Luxury apartments seem to be routinely giving away 2+ months of “free rent” in lieu of dropping rent prices, indicating there is likely an oversupply/less demand of luxury and/or city living. If the trend of moving out of the cities to suburbs continues, there could be a solid buying opportunity in the coming year(s) on city real estate. Despite the trend of working from home and “spacing out,” it’s tough to debate the fact that there will always be intrinsic value with the access and networks that cities offer.
What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? Tough question to answer…something that’s resonated with me recently is the idea of “playing for the love of the game.” To me this means focusing on the fulfillment and mindset around how an activity helps someone, grows a business, improves someone’s day, etc. Similarly, it means enjoying and loving the process (what I can control) versus focusing on outcomes (out of my control).