2020 Year in Review: Angela Nuss, Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC

Director of Special Projects
Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? Switching from an office environment to a home environment at the beginning of the pandemic restrictions in March carried some challenges with it. First, we didn’t see this coming and I didn’t have a home office properly set up initially. Then there are the distractions that go with working in a home environment and the “blurry line” between work life and home life when it all occurs in the same place. With all that said, there were a number of advantages to the home environment also.
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? Working from home and using Zoom technology can be a great time-saver. There are a lot of hours on the road that most of us don’t miss. In fact, I plan to continue my practice of one-on-one networking meetings over Zoom even after things return to normal. Our office does its team coffees via Zoom and will continue to do well into 2021. There are many efficiencies that this technology brings.
Predictions for commercial real estate market in 2021? While Jay Nuss Realty Group works primarily in the suburbs, we do work in Boston as well. There always seems to be work in Boston, therefore , we don’t see that market as going anywhere but up in the new year. What we do see on the South Shore, however, is a shift where people are looking for office space outside the city rather than staying downtown. As a result, we see real estate needs picking up in the market south of Boston.
What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? It came from my dad, Jay Nuss, who says, “On time is late and early is on time.” Be respectful of other people’s time.