2020 Year in Review: Chris Pascucci, SVN The Masiello Group

Vice President Sales
SVN The Masiello Group
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2020? On March 1st, The Masiello Group became affiliated with the National commercial real estate brand SVN. A huge accomplishment for us that was over a year in the making. Even though a couple weeks after our new affiliation, the pandemic basically shut everything down, we still expanded and welcomed a couple new advisors to our sales team. There were many challenges in 2020 but we worked our way through them and we are certainly looking forward to better 2021.
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? Engaging with our customers, clients and colleagues via video meeting. CRE is a social business, where working face to face is absolutely necessary. It’s about shaking hands at networking events, cold calling door to door, and doing deals in coffee shops, lunch counters and in crowded restaurants with your clients and colleagues. Zoom was valuable during this pandemic, but it certainly is not the best way to work.
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? Absolutely none! For me it’s necessary to separate work life and home life. There are way too many distractions when working from home. I have never been able to focus or be productive working in a home office setting.