2020 Ones to Watch: John Ciluzzi, President at Premier Commercial

Premier Commercial
Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? My first big deal selling The Hyannis Port Brewing Company back in 1996. My client, is still a loyal client, that recently retained my firm to sell an industrial parcel of land for $850,000.
How do you contribute to your community or your profession? Previous board positions and contributions to civic associations throughout the Cape & Islands.
What led you to your current profession? I was looking to partner with my parents to purchase a Hotel on the Cape and asked the broker that toured the site for a job. He said yes and I was cold calling within a month.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Half the people don’t show up, the other half of people show up but don’t work, so all you have to do is SHOW UP AND WORK!
Who or what inspires you? My family and acts of compassion.
If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you? Robert DeNiro
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? After 26 years in the business, I’ve experienced so many situations both personally and through my clients that require compassion and understanding. Real estate purchases and sales can be and usually are one of the biggest decisions is a person or family’s life. I’m selling the American Dream every day!