2020 Ones to Watch: Jeff Cameron, Project Executive at J. Calnan & Associates, Inc.

J. Calnan & Associates, Inc.
Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? Back in 2012-2013 I had the opportunity to be part of a redevelopment project in Marlboro at the old Hewlett Packard Campus. The project was almost 800,000 s/f of complete core & shell, infrastructure, and property repositioning. The project was to turn the property from an old and antiquated set of structures into a multi-tenant and lab ready environment. We started preconstruction in 2010 to help develop the scope details to fit the budget. I had the chance to work with some of the industry’s best brokers, developers/owners, design teams, consultants, and JC&A’s best leaders. As a result, I was able to learn from the best and from all angles. This helped to connect all the variables that drove a successful $65 million effort over two years which resulted in further business for our firm.
How do you contribute to your community or your profession? I pride myself on my leadership approach. Now that does not mean it is perfect or makes me the most popular guy out there, but I want my team members to learn. I want them to understand the approach we are taking on a business opportunity, a challenging negotiation or set of complicated directives and drive them towards success. I feel so fortunate to have had as many talented mentors as I have in my career and my personal life. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be successful and knowledge is one of the best ways. I try to take my time with my team members and not just make their job full of tasks but opportunities to be a part of the daily decisions that drive long-term success in our projects. It’s far more fulfilling when you are part of a successful business venture and not just a box-checker for someone else to take the credit.
Who or what inspires you? At a young age it was my immediate family that inspired me. I am the youngest of 4 and have 2 amazing parents. My siblings were all successful in their own way. How could I not try to keep up?!?! The core values they all instilled in me set the stage for the most important part of my life - the part that drives everything I do without exception - my own family. My wife Maria and my two boys Christian (10) and Lucas (7) are the reason I work the way I do at everything I do. Every day I am given is another chance to provide for them, to embrace the values I have grown with, instill them in my boys and to make sure we have ton of fun along the way. Somehow though I continue to feel my wife is three-upping me as far as the family workload goes and the all those values I talk about. But, I guess I just have incredible taste… or luck….. Either way, I’m certain the three of them make it all worth it and give me a reason to put my feet down every day.
If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you? If this isn’t a loaded question, shameless plug and self-deprecation opportunity, I don’t know what is. Russell Crowe, Carrot Top, Johnny Depp, Emmett from the Lego Movie, so many talented options! But after a solid hour of couch time, I’ve come around to Edward Norton. With a broad range of strengths, genres, dedication to the role and a consistent presence through all of them, I’ve always appreciated his ability to adapt into his character. Over the years, like many, I’ve had to work my through every different roles (character), establish the challenges to overcome (plot), work with a few villains (conflict) and a lot more through every unique project (scenes). Every job has its own story, inevitably different from all of those that may seem similar. A great character can make or break a movie and I can’t remember a movie I didn’t like with Edward Norton in it. So while I may not have the patience from Primal Fear, the complexity from Fight Club, or the focus from countless independent films, I’d like to think the consistency in the passion of my work would be portrayed but such a talented actor as himself.