CRE Collaborative and Zip Analyzer provide access to economic indicators
Trumbull, CT Now more than ever, CRE brokers, RE investors, and builder/developers need to access the most current market data, leading economic indicators and accurate real estate forecasts to know where to invest, when to sell, and maximize profits. To help its CRE industry users make smart decisions based on the analysis of micro-trends, CRE Collaborative with its new partner Zip Analyser now provides access to 11 key economic growth indicators on 27,000,000 properties across the United States. Zip Analyser is uniquely the only online source for Hyper-Local market data.
CRE Collaborative’s Platform CRECo.ai is a 2.0 Technology Market Network connecting the Commercial Real Estate industry through the “Search One & Done” Platform for the Commercial Real Estate Industry. The CRECo.ai Platform aggregates real estate data & technology in one place utilizing an easy to use customized dashboard. Users select the tools they require. CRECo.ai is the only Platform providing transparency between the silos of data and technology through a search engine style integrated portal.
“It is CRE Collaborative’s mission to connect the commercial real estate industry from end-to-end through one portal. The partnership with Zip Analyser marks another significant step forward for CRE Collaborative as we continue to deliver increasing levels of value to our users, enabling them to get connected, stay connected, and become highly technology-enabled,” said Andreas Senie, founder and CEO, CRE Collaborative.
Zip Analyser’s Real Estate Forecasts and Financial Modeling yields eleven leading economic and demographic indicators: Affordability Growth, Disposable Income Growth, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth, New Job Growth, Labor Force Growth, Median Income Growth, Net Worth Growth, New Business Growth, Population Growth, Unemployment Rate Growth, and Vacancy Rate Growth.
“At Zip Analyser, we combine 11 variables every month/quarter to get our 12, 24, and 36 Month Forecasts that have back-tested to 98.1% accuracy. With accurate local forecasts and leading economic indicators, realtors and investors can limit their risk by assessing the latest growth and forecasts, both locally and regionally,” said Peter Jordan, Corporate Development.