2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Emma Kellar, Dimeo Construction Company
Emma Kellar, CM-LEAN, Assistant Project Manager at Dimeo Construction Company
How many years have you been in your current field? 7 years
Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? The project I am currently wrapping up (Lowell Justice Center) has been the biggest game changer for me. I have been assigned to the project for 3 1/2 years and I feel that I have grown so much during this time. Especially in regard to my technical knowledge, my abilities to lead and be confident in the decisions I am making along the way.
What was your favorite job and what did you learn from it? My favorite job so far has been the Duxbury Co-Located Middle/High School, where I interned for multiple college breaks. The project meant so much to me because I was a graduate of the schools we were replacing. It is also where I realized how much I loved this industry, that every day is different and that not having to sit at a desk all day is amazing.
What would you tell your daughter about entering this profession? I will tell my daughter that if anyone ever tries to put up a barrier or wall in front of the career you want and love, blast through it like it doesn’t even exist. No matter what field she goes into I want her to love her job as much as I love mine.