Sherman begins one-year term as president of the Appraisal Institute
Chicago, IL Jefferson Sherman, MAI, AI-GRS, of Highland Heights, Ohio, began his one-year term as president of the Appraisal Institute on January 1. The Appraisal Institute is one of the nation’s largest professional associations of real estate appraisers with nearly 18,000 professionals in almost 50 countries.
The Appraisal Institute’s other elected officers for 2020 are:
• President-Elect Rodman Schley, MAI, SRA, of Arvada, Colorado;
• Vice President Pledger M. (Jody) Bishop III, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina; and
• Immediate Past President Stephen S. Wagner, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, of West Lafayette, Indiana.
In the coming year, the Appraisal Institute’s officers and Board of Directors will focus on advocating on behalf of all appraisers, increasing diversity and inclusion in the organization and throughout the valuation profession and expanding AI’s body of knowledge.
“I’m excited to lead this outstanding organization during such an important time in the valuation profession’s history,” Sherman said. “It’s both an exciting and challenging time to be an appraiser, and the Appraisal Institute looks forward to enhancing its role as the valuation profession’s thought leader.”
Sherman has served nationally on the board of directors (2000-02), finance committee (chair in 2018 and vice chair in 2002), nominating committee (2002), education committee (2010-13), international relations committee (2016) and strategic planning committee (2017). He has served nearly continuously on the Region V committee since 1993, including many years as its parliamentarian. He also has served in chapter roles, including twice as an Appraisal Institute chapter president in Ohio, and has worked on two successful chapter merger teams. Sherman is principal of Sherman Valuation & Review, LLC, in Willoughby Hills, Ohio.
Schley has served nationally on the Appraisal Institute board of directors as Region II vice chair, and as a member of the strategic planning committee and the governance structure project team. He previously served on the national nominating committee. He attended AI’s annual Leadership Development and Advisory Council conference as a participant (2013-15), and was selected as a discussion leader (2016), vice chair (2017) and chair (2018).
He also has served in chapter roles, including as president of the Colorado Chapter.
In 2002, he founded Denver-based Commercial Valuation Consultants, Inc., which was acquired by national appraisal firm BBG in 2016.
Bishop serves as a non-voting member of the Appraisal Institute Board of Directors due to his position on the Audit Committee. He has chaired the General Demonstration of Knowledge Grading Panel and has served on the Admissions and Designations Qualifications Committee. He has served as president of the South Carolina Chapter. He also is an AI associate instructor, has been a seminar and webinar author, and has served as discussion leader at the Leadership Development and Advisory Council conference. He is currently senior managing director of Valbridge Property Advisors in Charleston, South Carolina.
Wagner has served on the Appraisal Institute Board of Directors and as chair of the Finance Committee and vice chair of the Professional Standards and Guidance Committee. He is a past chair of the Demonstration Report Writing Panel, has served on the Admissions Designations and Qualifications Committee and has been involved in the development of the General Review courses and two Capstone case studies. He also teaches general qualifying education and advanced-level courses and seminars for the Appraisal Institute. Additionally, he served as president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the Hoosier State Chapter. A graduate of Purdue University, he has been a chief appraiser for a regional bank and currently is a senior appraiser in the appraisal firm of Terzo & Bologna, Inc. in Indianapolis.