For 2020, we see steady economic growth in city of Pawtucket - by Donald Grebien

City of Pawtucket
It was a busy end of year for the City of Pawtucket. Tidewater Landing, a $400 million soccer development project in Pawtucket’s historic downtown, was announced on December 2nd. Following on the heels of the announcement of the largest project in the city’s history, other smaller, but exciting, economic development projects continue to move forward for the Pawtucket.
In December, the Pawtucket City Council approved Seven Stars Bakery’s request for a five-year tax stabilization treaty. With the approval of the treaty, the company’s project moves closer to completion.
Seven Stars owners Bill and Tracy Daugherty are planning a state-of-the-art baking facility, at the former Major Electric building at 111 High St., for use as its corporate headquarters. The owners plan to bring 52 new jobs including 40 baking and food preparation professionals and 12 members of the corporate management team to the two-story 43,000 s/f building that has been vacant for two years. A later phase will include a retail component as well.
According to the owners, the Rhode Island company’s steady growth influenced them to relocate the small bakery space at Hope Artiste Village, to the new Pawtucket location considered to be a key building in the downtown.
Also in downtown Pawtucket, the city council approved a tax stabilization agreement for Nexus Development to facilitate their conversion of an historic building to 27 units of market rate apartments and office space.
The second phase of its extremely successful mill conversion, Urban Smart Growth Hope Artiste Village, has been completed, with occupancy permits granted in December for 130 units of live-work space for the Esten Ave. development.
The city’s zoning and planning board also granted December approvals to the Fuller Mill loft project which will bring 22 loft style apartments, targeted to the new commuter-rail market.
A local trucking distribution company also was granted zoning and planning approval in December, with M&G Trucking receiving the okay to proceed with construction of a new 40,000 s/f facility in the Narragansett Industrial Park. They hope to begin construction this month.
Just imagine the economic development impact on Pawtucket with these projects and many others in the pipeline.
Learn more about Pawtucket’s economic development tools, including data-base search for available properties to lease or buy, the Pawtucket Business Development’s low-interest loan program, our tax stabilization treaty, the city’s opportunity zone tax incentives and stream-lined regulatory process.
For more information about the Tidewater Landing Project and/or economic development opportunities in the city of Pawtucket, contact commerce director Jeanne Boyle at 401 728-0500, Ext. 432; or email jboyle@pawtucketri.com.
Donald Grebien is the mayor of Pawtucket, R.I.