The Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers celebrates 85<sup>th</sup> Anniversary Dinner and Hall of Fame Ceremony
August 9, 2019 - Appraisal & Consulting
Canton, MA The Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers celebrates 85th Anniversary Dinner and Hall of Fame Ceremony Wednesday, June 26th at Blue Hill Country Club. Below are images from the event.
Shown are the 2019 Hall of Fame inductees: Seated (from left) - Arthur Boyle;
Kathy Condon; Carol Reynolds; Robert Saben. Standing (from left) - Steven Spangle;
Steve Sousa; Jon Avery; Allan Cohen; Stephen Reynolds; Lori Beaumont; and Rich Goulet.
Shown is Lisa Toback receiving her MRA
designation from program director Rich Goulet
and president John Beauchaine.
Shown is Heather Ross receiving her MRA
designation from program director Rich Goulet
and president John Beauchaine.
Shown is MBREA president John Beauchaine.
Shown are Karen Friel and Gary Accetta.
Shown (from left) are: Steve Spangle
and Robert Bostrom.
Shown (from left) are: Bill Pastuszek
and Stephen Reynolds.
Shown (from left) are: Steve Dunn,
Allan Cohen and John Mello.
Shown is MBREA executive
director Steve Sousa.
Shown (from left) are: Lisa Gilman,
Susan Kelly and Paula Wolfe.
Shown (from left) are: Steve Dunn,
John Torvi and Paula Wolfe.
Shown (from left) are: Scott and
Dina Portrait and Deb Sousa.
Shown are Dick Dennis with Gail Burns -
both past presidents of MBREA