2019 Women in Construction: Christine Medeiros, Assistant Project Manager at Haynes Group, Inc.
How many years have you been in your current field? 18
Which project, deal or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? Working on Dana Barros Basketball Club – Stoughton, Mass., a 40,000 s/f space. We installed high-quality finishes, not typical in a basketball facility of this type. We created five basketball courts, office space, concession stands and managed all site work.
What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? I’m taking the time to visit construction sites on a weekly basis, seeing the beginning, middle and end helps you learn and progress in your career.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it? I honestly cannot remember the first construction project I was on, but if I’ve learned anything I’m sure it was that you can’t please everyone, you can only do your best to be sure the client is happy at the end of the project.
Who are three women – living or dead – that you would like to have drinks with and why? My Vavo, because I miss her deeply, she was a very wise Portuguese women, and was always honest even if honesty wasn’t something you wanted to hear. Ellen DeGeneres, I love how she used her show as a platform to announce to the world that she is Gay, and that it hasn’t stopped her from being one of the most successful talk show hosts on TV today. Oprah Winfrey, her rags to riches story is one that I’d love to hear in person, she is such an inspiring woman.
What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? Probably the same answer as most women in this industry, not receiving the same level of respect men in the industry do.