President's message: Is it time? Introducing the IREM webinars
July 30, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers
I entered the real estate industry twenty eight years ago as an assistant property manager. My work experience before entering the real estate industry was as a yard worker at a marina. I spent most of my time painting and launching boats, general maintenance around the yard. December, 1977, the job for the day was to haul out all the moorings for the winter. The weather was twenty five degrees winds from the south and snowing. We finished the job that day and chilled to the bone I started thinking is it time. My job at the boatyard finished just before Christmas and would start again in March. I had made enough money to be a ski bum through March, at which time I went back to work at the boatyard.
I received a telephone call from the owner of Stone Horse a sixty foot staysail schooner. He was putting together a crew to sail Stone Horse to St. Maarten from Harwichport. I accepted the position as a member of the crew of Stone Horse which was a non paying job. This opportunity was all about adventure and excitement on the high seas. I just did not know how exciting and how high the sea would get.
The first leg of the trip was uneventful from Harwichport to Norfolk Virginia and on to Moorehead City N.C., through the inland waterway.
The second leg would take us southeast out around Tortola and south to St. Maarten. This course would take us through the Bermuda Triangle during hurricane season. The first four or five days of this leg was quite comfortable. It was the sixth day when the rigging started to fail. The weather conditions went from 10 foot waves to 30 and 40 waves and winds from 15 knots to 60 knots. Two days later we lost our main mast and had to re-rig the boat and head for the Bahamas. Four days later we reached the Bahamas. We had spent twelve day at sea in very rough conditions I was very happy to stand on terra firma. A note to consider when you spend that length of time at sea you can hardly stand up when get on land. This trip was full of adventure it also made realize it is time for a change.
I called my father to arrange a six month trial, working for Nordblom Management Company as a trainee. I spent the next six months working with a senior property manager learning as much as I could. I did not start any formal training until 1987 when I starting taking the institutes course for the CPM designation. I regret not starting sooner. The delivery of education back then required taking a whole week off from work. Technology has improved and changed the institutes deliver of educational courses. These courses can be taken online or get the education you need, right at your fingertips! IREM webinars are the perfect way to stay current on industry trends without even leaving your desk!
Delivered via Web and telephone on a variety of topics, you'll love the convenience of these learning opportunities!
*All IREM webinars are FREE to members!
Here's a list of August's webinars:
*IREM Webinar: Considerations for Starting a Real Estate Management Company
Thursday, August 7th, 2 p.m.
*IREM Webinar: Financial Analysis Spreadsheet Demonstration - Enhanced version!
Wednesday, August 13th, 2 p.m.
*IREM Webinar: Community Association Management - Fiscal Management and Risk Management
Wednesday, August 27th, 2 p.m.
For more information visit
Next Event
The golf tournament on September 15th will be our next event. The tournament will be held at Granite Links Golf Course. The IREM Foundation is the charity for this event.
I urge all the members to attend lunch come and enjoy the view and elect the officers for 2009. If you are a golfer come and enjoy the whole day. If your schedule is too full come from 5 to 7:30 for another networking opportunity.
I want to see all of you there to have some fun.
Check the Website for more information.
Winder Nordblom is the 2008 president of the Boston chapter of IREM, Boston, Mass.