2019 Boston Preservation Achievement Awards
Boston, MA Each year the Boston Preservation Alliance presents the Preservation Achievement Awards to recognize a group of exemplary historic preservation projects or activities in Boston. The Alliance honors outstanding preservation projects representing all time periods, including 20th century.
Projects that will be considered for award recognition include but are not limited to:
•Rehabilitation or restoration that preserves Boston’s architectural or cultural heritage
• Adaptive reuse of existing historic resources
• New construction in harmony with Boston’s built environment
• Parks, landscapes, and natural areas that have been preserved or restored
• Exterior lighting, accessibility, and landscape design highlighting historic resources
• Innovative energy efficiency and/or climate preparedness integration into historic fabric
• Educational efforts that enhance the public’s understanding and appreciation of Boston’s historic built environment
The Alliance’s Award Selection Committee selects winners based on criteria such as:
• Impact on a neighborhood’s character, public realm, and revitalization
• Quality of execution and materials
• Creative or innovative solutions to preservation challenges
• Contribution to the public’s understanding and awareness of historic resources, preservation, and the historic character of Boston.
Completed nominations are due Friday, March 15
Materials and questions should be directed to: Alison Frazee, assistant director afrazee@bostonpreservation.org 617.367.2458 x204.