CTA Const. celebrates ribbon cutting of new Carver Elementary School
Carver, MA CTA Construction Managers joined community leaders, town officials, students and faculty members to celebrate the official ribbon cutting of the new Carver Elementary School.
A key feature of the new 112,350 s/f Carver Elementary School is its green, sustainable technology. The new building is energy efficient and will be Northeast CHPS verified. The second floor, cranberry vine wall also features original artwork created by Carver Elementary School students.
Phase one of construction also featured several major infrastructure improvements. Two new wells were brought online and connected to the two existing school buildings, along with a new water treatment system for the complex.
Phase two of construction, which is ongoing, will finish final site improvements, including the playing fields and play areas. Construction of the new elementary school took place on a site adjacent to the former school buildings, which were fully operational for the duration of the two-year, $37 million project.
CTA Construction completed phase one of construction during the summer, and students and faculty are now enjoying classes in the new facility for the first time. The ribbon cutting event featured remarks from Carver superintendent Scott Knief, Massachusetts state treasurer Deborah Goldberg, Carver Elementary School principal Ruby Maestas, and Carver elementary school students, among others.
“We were excited and honored to join the community of Carver to celebrate the opening of its new elementary school,” said Paul DuRoss, a principal at CTA Construction. “It was a tremendous event and we’re proud to partner with the Town, HMFH Architects and PMA Consultants on the design and construction of this new facility. This new school – with its green technology and state-of-the-art features – will benefit students and faculty for generations to come.”