New courses certified by NH Real Estate Commission
Manchester, NH New courses have been certified by the NH Real Estate Commission, intended to help N.H. realtors avoid liability for failing to fully implement the Lead Disclosure Rule, and to help them cope with other environmental issues that may occur in residences.
The instructor is Rick Reibstein, a former EPA attorney who enforced the lead law and who worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts helping companies reduce the use of toxics and comply with environmental and public health regulations and whose summary of lead law is used by the NH Real Estate Commission. Reibstein currently teaches environmental law and policy at Boston University and is a member of Harvard’s Continuing Education faculty. In 2004 he developed the first certified course in the nation for realtors on lead, which was subsidized by the federal government for delivery throughout New England. The subsidy is no longer available, but the need for realtor education persists. EPA is still enforcing.
N.H. has also recently taken action to increase protections against lead poisoning. Lead itself is persistent, remaining on the walls of many residences and there is increasing awareness of its presence in water and soil. Contractors covered by lead-safe work requirements are generating documentation that must be disclosed. Realtors failing to fully explain disclosure requirements to their clients place themselves in an avoidable position of business and legal risk.
Realtors can also seize the opportunity to provide value to clients through greater knowledge of how to prevent and respond to the many environmental issues that can arise.
The courses are available at the Greater Manchester Nashua Board of Realtors and by arrangement with the instructor. See https://www.gmnbr.org/membership/board-calendar-of-events - Fall, 2018: Protect Your Family from Lead Sept. 21, Oct 5, Nov. 16; Overview of Environmental Problems in Residential Real Estate Sept. 28, Oct. 26 or email rreibste@bu.edu with “courses” in the subject line.