CEDAS to launch a land use and economic program for municipalities - by Garrett Sheehan
To have state economic growth, there must be communities that have invested their time and energy into building an economic development program. Often times, the intent is there, but the quality of economic development programs can widely vary among municipalities. Many communities have not been exposed to other economic development programs and what is considered best practice. In order to improve the economic development efforts of the entire state, the Connecticut Economic Development Association (CEDAS) is preparing to launch a land use and economic development best practices program for municipalities.
Across our 169 communities, there are many different approaches to land use and economic development. CEDAS would like to draw the best of these practices and share them with all of our communities. The program will recognize communities that follow best practices and encourage other communities to achieve these standards. Communities that achieve the designation will be able to proudly share with prospects and companies that they are certified by the state’s economic development profession. CEDAS will support municipalities that need help reaching the standards. CEDAS’s economic development professionals will be ready to share case studies and knowledge on how to improve a community’s economic development program. Some of the milestones covered within the best practices program include:
• Does the community have a mission statement on the business climate for the community – reflecting the community’s vision – may include terms and phrases such as: team work amongst town personnel and agencies, trust, customer oriented, holistic, responsible, “simple, swift and certain,” consistent, efficient, and modern?
• Does the community use a website or web pages for Planning and Economic Development?
• Does the community provide ongoing communications and speedy responses/approvals to pending applicants?
Several other criteria will also be used. Again, the program is designed to not only recognize communities that have adopted best practices, but to share and provide support for communities that are striving to improve. Any Connecticut community interested in participating in this program should contact CEDAS via info@cedas.org.
The official launch is scheduled for September.
Garrett Sheehan, CEcD, is the CEDAS board vice president, Rocky Hill, Conn.