Spencer joins BSC Group as manager of transportation services

BSC Group
Glastonbury, CT Dale Spencer, PE has joined BSC Group’s team as manager of transportation. Spencer has more than 25 years’ experience leading multi-faceted transportation projects, from highways to rail trails, collaborating with stakeholders and residents to gain consensus on project goals, and overseeing environmental, traffic, and site permitting. Over the course of his career, Spencer has worked with the CT Department of Transportation (CTDOT), the CT Airport Authority (CAA) and several municipalities in managing a wide range of projects, including interstate highway and bridge reconstructions, airport improvements projects, rail facilities improvements, federal and state permitting and transportation infrastructure improvements studies. He has previously driven new business acquisition and overseen management programs at other leading engineering consulting firms.
“BSC has already established a solid foundation in transportation engineering through our work for Connecticut municipalities,” said Kurt Prochorena, PE, principal in charge of BSC Group’s Connecticut operations. “Spencer’s experience contributing to the state’s transportation network positions us to work on larger and more complex roadway projects.”
Under the BSC Companies, Inc. umbrella is BSC Group, Inc. – a collaborative practice of planners, engineers, and scientists – and Geonetics, Inc. – a boutique group of software developers. The affiliate firms serve New England based projects in transportation, energy, and land development. As published in the Boston Business Journal, BSC is one of the 20 largest engineering firms in MA and has approximately 130 professionals on staff. Founded in 1965, BSC is an employee owned firm with broad based ownership throughout all disciplines and ranks.