2017 Annual Review: Michael Gallerani of Brockton 21st Century Corp.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2017? Being part of the planning and development team that is moving Brockton forward. Part of that is shifting the perception of the city to a positive and attracting new investment into the community.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2017? Moving forward with the Transformative Workforce Initiative (TWI) is something that is both notable and will serve the community on multiple levels.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2018? Rather than offer a worldview, I prefer to speak to what lies ahead for Brockton. Because of good planning, new investment (both public and private) and a new confidence, Brockton is at the threshold of a new era. Defining the City as a great value for renters or homebuyers (downtown Boston is a 30-minute train ride away) is something that is well underway, the new development – both commercial and residential, our diversity and our workforce are making Brockton the next great city where investors and developers that do not jump in will be wishing they had very soon.