2017 Annual Review: Christopher Agostino of Ruberto Israel & Weiner P.C.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2017? Finalizing comprehensive permits under Chapter 40B for the construction of 272 single-family homes in Massachusetts outside of Boston.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2017? The construction of Stonebridge Homes’ Boyde’s Crossing comprehensive permit development in Norfolk, Mass. The team at Stonebridge Homes worked closely with local officials to craft a 40-unit, eco-friendly, energy-efficient comprehensive permit development within walking distance of the commuter rail station, complete with solar power for each unit, community garden and compost pile, and goats to control invasive vegetation.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2018? All good things. Plans are proposals are still coming in fast so 2018 looks like another strong year in CRE.