Free Lean Construction training for Massachusetts companies
Boston, MA One benefit of ASM membership is the educational opportunities available through our own events, our webinars, and opportunities through our industry partners, including the widely-respected local engineering firm Haley & Aldrich. Now, with Lean Construction methods rapidly gaining industry acceptance, eligible companies in Massachusetts can register at no cost for several Lean courses this fall, winter and spring of 2018! These courses are funded by a Workforce Training Fund grant through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
There are three courses in all – each with four ½ day sessions over a 4-week period:
1. Lean Fundamentals
2. Visual Management
3. Lean for Construction Professionals
There will be another offering of the introductory course, Lean Fundamentals, in January 2018. For those who have already taken the Lean Fundamentals course, or have an existing understanding of Lean principles and A3 thinking, Haley & Aldrich is also offering Visual Workplace Management courses in May 2018 and a Lean for Construction Professionals course in January 2018. All courses will be held at the Haley & Aldrich office in Boston and local “field trip” locations. Space is limited, so it is important to sign up quickly if interested!
For specifics on what the courses will cover, and the dates, times, and locations, visit http://info.haleyaldrich.com/lean-workshop-series, contact Lean Training leaders Nick Masci at 603-391-3329 or Kelly Meade at 617-886-7513.