2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Karen Friel

Friel Valuation Advisors, LLC
Years in real estate: 32
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: Appraisal Institute, Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers, CREWBoston, Risk Management Association and Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in MA, RI, NH, ME and VA
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: Simply put, I love buildings. I love looking, at and thinking about the built human habitat. I like thinking about how buildings both commercial and residential service humans socially, economically, environmentally and aesthetically. I also enjoy counseling and problem solving, and I prefer short-term assignments. That all makes the discipline of real estate appraisal and myself a great match. After beginning my career appraising for pension funds, I served nearly two decades in the banking world ordering and reviewing appraisals, interacting with fee appraisers and answering daily FIRREA questions from lenders. Strong appraisal skills, deep knowledge of appraisal regulations, and a great network of lender clients have allowed me to specialize in valuation compliance with my firm, Friel Valuation Advisors. I assist my clients with appraisal reviews, policy and procedures, staff development and situational advice. I truly enjoy being their subject matter expert in all things appraisal related.