Bodi of CPManagement named to GATHER board
Exeter, NH CPManagement said that new business development officer, Marie Bodi was named as a new 2017 board member to GATHER, (formerly known as Seacoast Family Food Pantry). The board position and name change coincidentally occurred in May 2017 and align so well with Bodi’s personal passions and community needs.
Deb Anthony, executive director for GATHER said “our mission of ending local hunger by collaborating with local partners includes gathering fresh rescue from various regional retail providers, and while we gather food, we gather people and resources, and are pleased Marie has joined as one of the two later categories.” In reviewing Bodi’s credentials, her fresh ideas on new partnering opportunities and her energy toward our mission were witnessed while volunteering at Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away and coordinating a food drive within CPManagement’s corporate offices in Exeter.
Earlier this year, while meeting with board president Elisa Bolton, Bodi began chatting about those who have experienced hunger, and those who struggle to have access to steady nourishment. Learning about the Meals for Kids really hit her, said Bolton.
“Stars aligned at several levels, including memories as a young child where family finances were tight and while never escalating to a point of hunger, provided an eye- opening correlation to GATHER’s various programs, including Our Pantry Market, Meals 4 Kids, Meals 4 Seniors, and Farm Shares 4 Families (CSA), such great programs and examples of GATHER’s best efforts toward meeting these needs and also aligning with my own personal passions”, said Bodi when commenting on her new board position. “One project already underway involves plans to focus on creating a unique partnership with Strawbery Banke Community Garden. As the growing season kicks off, it is expected a full array of volunteer gardeners will “gather” their excess productions to donate to GATHER, a project that has me super excited,” she said.
For more information on GATHER visit