Geenty of The Geenty Group leases 9,413 s/f at 20 Research Parkway to Iterum Therapeutics U.S. in Old Saybrook

The Geenty Group
Old Saybrook, CT The Geenty Group, Realtors, reports a five-year lease of 9,413 s/f at 20 Research Parkway. The tenant is Iterum Therapeutics U.S. Limited. Corey Fishman is the director.
Iterum is a biotech business with offices in Chicago, Dublin, Ireland, and Old Saybrook. They have been a tenant at The Old Saybrook Business Park for several years, occupying 2,300 s/f of offices. They are now expanding to almost 10,000 s/f of offices. The landlord is Mill Meadow Development, LLC.
Kevin Geenty SIOR was the sole agent in this transaction. The landlord and full-time property manager at The OSBP are pleased that they were once again able to accommodate one of their fine tenants who had the need to expand their facility size within the eight flex buildings which comprise The Old Saybrook Business Park.