Cyrier of MANSARD to become CCIM instructor
June 26, 2008 - Front Section
Jeremy Cyrier, CCIM, president of MANSARD Commercial Properties, has been invited to become an instructor certified to teach courses offered by CCIM Institute, the governing body of a real estate association..
Jeremy will become part of a cadre of commercial real estate professionals from across the nation teaching CCIM courses, which are widely acknowledged as the most comprehensive in the industry. Only experienced CCIM Designees are invited to audition for the opportunity to join the ranks of CCIM instructors.
Jeremy is an expert in Commercial Real Estate Investment Sales in the Greater Boston and Greater New England Markets.
The CCIM Education program is comprised of four Core Courses and an introductory course. They are held in more than 50 markets worldwide.
The CCIM designation is awarded to commercial real estate professionals upon completion of the graduate-level Core Course curriculum and attainment of a level of qualifying experience. The curriculum addresses: financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis and investment analysis x2013; the cornerstones of commercial investment real estate.
CCIMs are recognized experts in commercial real estate brokerage, leasing, asset management, valuation, and investment analysis.
Based in Chicago, the CCIM Institute confers the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation to commercial real estate professionals through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours, in addition to professional experiential requirements. Currently, there are 9,500 CCIMs in 1,000 markets worldwide. An additional 9,500 practitioners are pursuing the designation.