IREM Boston Chapter president Lewis holds first official meeting at Granite Links
February 3, 2017 - Owners Developers & Managers
Quincy, MA Chapter president, Peter Lewis held his first official meeting at Granite Links Golf Club on January 11, Economic Forecast Meeting moderated by Barry Zimmerman and Michael Hertz with The Bulfinch Group, this year’s guest speakers included:
•Jason Weismann, founder & senior partner Boston Realty Advisors. Weissman has over thirteen years of industry experience in all aspects of real estate; residential brokerage, residential project marketing, office, retail, student housing and medical. As the principal of the organization, Weissman leads the strategic direction across all of the company’s divisions and works with corporate real estate users, developers and banking institutions.
• Bill Pastuszek, MAI, heads Shepherd Associates LLC, a real property valuation and consulting firm located in Newton MA. The firm serves a wide variety of local, regional, and national clients, including financial institutions. He is an active instructor and educational developer and has taught for many organizations and educational institutions.
IREM Chapter installed three new Certified Property Managers shown (from left) are: Myles Ostroff, CPM, Charter Realty Management Corp.; Allison Perry, CPM, Maine Medical Center, Property Management; Shannon Purcell, CPM, Purcell Properties; 2017 IREM’s chapter president, Peter Lewis, CPM; and IREM’s immediate international president, Christopher Mellen, CPM, ARM.
IREM Chapter installed 5 new Accredited Residential Managers shown (from left) are: IREM’s immediate international past president, Christopher Mellen, CPM, ARM; Samuel Reuben Rymer, ARM, Live Realty Boston LLC; Samuel Maman, ARM, HallKeen Management Company AMO; Jill Hanna, ARM, First Realty Management Corp. AMO; Aida Diakite, ARM, Beacon Community LLC; Maryellen McMahon, ARM, Alcourt Management Corp.; and 2017 chapter president, Peter Lewis, CPM.
The Boston Chapter of IREM recognized the chapter past presidents. Shown (from left) are: Thomas Hilditch, Jonathan Donahue, Michael Weintraub, David Barrett, Carol MacDonald, Christopher Mellen and 2017 chapter President Peter Lewis. Missing from the photo Anthony Carr and Robert Krauss.