Abbot Building Restoration repairs brick façade of Wentworth Institute of Technology dormitory building
Boston, MA Abbot Building Restoration repaired the façade of a 4-story brick building used as a student dormitory by the Wentworth Institute of Technology at 66 Louis Prang St. After the owner observed settlement defects where bricks had dislodged in several areas above and below the windows in the front bay section, an investigation was performed and a plan developed to repair the defects. Abbot was awarded the contract based on its bid and track record with previous masonry restoration projects at Wentworth over the years.
Abbot erected scaffolding at the front of the building and removed all of the bricks from the center section of the curved bay area from the first floor to the roofline. Then Abbot repaired all of the defects in the second wythe of bricks to provide a solid back-up prior to reinstallation of first course. Defective bricks that could be salvaged were repaired and reinstalled, and cracked bricks were replaced with new matching bricks that were resourced to create a uniform appearance.
Abbot also removed and replaced the bricks in the center bay section along the wall above the entranceway below the windows.
Finally, Abbot cut and repointed the balance of the façade so that the entire façade blended naturally as if no work had been done.
Abbot provides a broad range of masonry construction services to public, institutional, and commercial clients, including condominiums, property management entities, and private residences. The firm also acts as a general contractor for a variety of masonry building construction projects.