Cruz Companies submits proposal for a $47 million mixed-use, mixed-income re-development
Roxbury, MA Cruz Companies has submitted a proposal with the city of Boston to create a $47 million, mixed-use, mixed-income re-development on Warren St., which will contribute to Dudley Sq.’s revitalization, while greatly enhancing the neighborhood with new jobs, housing and commercial space.
“Cruz Companies has been proudly entwined with the Roxbury community for more than 65 years, and this project will help further re-vitalize the neighborhood we love.” said John Cruz, III, president and CEO of Cruz Cos. “This proposal will create a sweeping new anchor of housing and commerce at a strategic location between Dudley St. and Blue Hill Ave. to benefit the whole community.”
Cruz Development Corp. submitted a letter of intent with the Boston Redevelopment Authority proposing its unique and creative approach to redevelop the 280-290 block of Warren St., combining two publicly and privately owned properties.
Cruz Development would implement the estimated $47 million project in two phases, beginning with the construction of a 51-unit mixed-use, mixed-income residential development to create the Dr. Michael E. Haynes Arms building; named after Roxbury’s former state representative, minister and civil rights leader. Cruz Cos. would occupy the commercial space on the ground floor, bringing 45 Cruz employees, many of whom are Roxbury residents, committed to re-investing in their neighborhood. The space would unite all four Cruz subsidiaries – Cruz Development, Cruz Construction, Cruz Management and CruzRelocation – under the same roof.
Cruz’s green building approach would result in a minimum U.S Green Building Council LEED Silver rating. The proposed building would also include two levels of parking, with a total of 73 spaces.
The Phase 2 proposal will consist of another mixed-use building, consisting of ground level commercial space and 44-units of senior housing proposed. Additional on-site parking will be provided for this phase of the development.
“We believe that this proposal fits beautifully with the neighborhood and will enhance the urban character, property values and business development across Warren Street,” said Daniel Cruz, Jr., senior vice president of Cruz Dev. “Cruz Companies looks forward to working with the BRA and the neighborhood during the upcoming review process to support this exciting project.”
Founded by John “Bertie” Cruz, Jr. in 1948, Cruz Companies has been doing business in Boston and its minority neighborhoods for generations. Cruz Companies motto is “Cruz Cares” and its mission is giving back to the community through new jobs, housing and investing in other minority businesses. Cruz is a modern firm that values old-fashioned quality and integrity. The John B. Cruz Construction Company is responsible for landmark projects and developments across the region; Cruz Development Corporation produces well-designed homes, maintaining the highest standards of workmanship; and Cruz Management Company provides quality residential housing management services.