October is here and change is in the air at NH CIBOR - by Bob Marchewka

October is here and change is in the air. Our great state begins its colorful transition from summer to winter and we have another splendid fall season to celebrate. At NH CIBOR we will be transitioning several new members to our board. This happens annually and ensures our organization does not become static or myopic in its thinking, positions and future planning. Next month our board will conduct a strategic planning session to assess how organization is doing and how best to move forward. Due to increasing regulations, new technology, ideas and policies, over the past several years there have been many changes in the way the business of commercial real estate is conducted, marketed, regulated, etc. NH CIBOR has been a stable organization fundamentally and financially and we plan to stay that way. Our self-examination is not necessarily needed or required but I believe it is important for us to assess who we are and how best to keep our organization and our members at the forefront of the commercial real estate industry in New Hampshire. As always we welcome feedback, comments and ideas from our members.
The New Hampshire Association of Realtors (NHAR) held its annual convention September 19 -21 and by all accounts it was a great success. There were many classes and panels relevant to commercial real estate including sessions on real estate “Apps,” Dotloop, title issues, an informative environmental update from NHAR’S government affairs director Bob Quinn and a riveting commercially oriented Core course put on by our esteemed and respected member Neal Barrett. Our NH CIBOR Realtor of the Year Gerry O’Connell received further recognition as NHAR’s selection for New Hampshire Realtor of the Year. This is a great honor for Gerry and all NH CIBOR members helping grow our prominence throughout the State and Nationally.
As I mentioned last month, long-time NH CIBOR member Tom Riley will be inducted as treasurer of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This notable ceremony takes place Thursday November 6th at NAR’s annual convention in Orlando. All New Hampshire Realtors are welcome to attend the ceremony and I know there will be many NH CIBOR members attending. See you there!
Bob Marchewka is the 2016 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.