NH CIBOR members and affiliates expect busy fall - by Bob Marchewka

In July and August it seems that someone you’re trying to deal with is always on vacation, September is a month where everyone seems to get back to work full-time. By all accounts NH CIBOR members and affiliates were busy with work all summer and expect a busy Fall as well.
The New Hampshire Association of Realtors (NHAR) Annual Convention is slated for the week of September 19th and I know many of our members will be participating. Our numbers at the convention have increased as our involvement with the state organization has strengthened over the past several years. I believe this has been very beneficial for NH CIBOR from a marketing and public policy perspective and has helped strengthen our ties with NAR.
Our influence in the state and national organizations will continue to grow over the next several years due to the hard work and dedication of two of our members in particular. 2015 NH CIBOR president Gerry O’Connell was elected president-elect of NHAR meaning he will be NHAR president in 2018. Longtime NH CIBOR member and RPAC champion Tom Riley was elected treasurer of NAR and will be installed to his 2017 position in Orlando at the National Association of Realtors Convention the week of November 4th. Congratulations to both of these dedicated individuals. It took a lot of hard work to get there and will require a considerable amount of time and effort to carry out the duties of these positions. NH CIBOR is lucky to have such considerable representation at the state and national levels, and I hope this is just the start of our members stepping up their service in such a manner.
While our gains have been great this past month, we have also suffered a devastating loss. On August 18th longtime NH CIBOR member Jim Destefano died of a heart attack at the tender age of 51. Jim was truly dedicated to his career in commercial real estate brokerage, and strove to make our profession and those who worked in it more knowledgeable, effective, respected and vital to the client and the deal. He was a mentor to many, and a friend to all who were lucky enough to cross his wide and receptive path. Jim also gave generously from his hands, heart and wallet. He supported many worthy charities and causes, often traveling to personally serve those in need. He founded our charitable arm, CIBOR Cares, he was a great supporter of the MC2 Charter School, Easter Seals and countless other organizations and individuals we may never know about. The board of CIBOR Cares is setting up a separate fund for charitable giving in Jim’s honor and I’m proud to say the NH CIBOR board of directors voted unanimously to help fund the cause.
Anyone wishing to participate can send their contact info to Allison@nhcibor.com . Jim’s heart failed him in the end, but never failed any who knew him. His spirit is irreplaceable and will be deeply missed.
Bob Marchewka is the 2016 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.