Harriman’s work receives N.H. Plan of the Year Award

Dover, NH Harriman and The Cecil Group, a newly merged architecture, engineering urban design, planning, and landscape architecture firm with offices in Portland and Auburn, Maine, Portsmouth, N.H., and Boston, Mass., are pleased to announce that the city of Dover’s Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Access and Streetscape plan was awarded the 2016 Plan of the Year by the New Hampshire Planners Association.
The N.H. Planner’s Association (NHPA) award annually recognizes professional plans from New Hampshire for their advancement to the science and art of planning and commitment to community involvement through planning initiatives.
“We are thrilled to have Dover’s downtown initiative recognized for its strategic, long-term commitment to make it more walkable, attractive, and rewarding for new investment that will revitalize the historic center,” said Steve Cecil, AIA, ASLA, founding principal of The Cecil Group, Inc. and now a principal and owner at Harriman.
The city of Dover’s Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Access and Streetscape Study, completed by The Cecil Group/Harriman last year, continues the revitalization of Dover’s historic urban core. The study focused on rebalancing the downtown circulation and streetscape network so that future conditions may support a mixed-use environment that is more convenient, pleasant, and economically vibrant. The study envisioned a revitalization plan with four key goals: Create a more attractive pedestrian-oriented environment, make vehicle circulation more clear and convenient, simplify links to parking, and expand bicycle and transit links to and through the downtown.